Jul 9, 2018
Well – yes, and no. Yes: Pilates is all about improved flexibility, improved posture and balance, and improved core strength. No: Pilates doesn’t require equipment, although if you go to a studio you will most likely find it.Pilates is a low-impact workout designed to be performed in slow, sequential exercises, whether on a mat or using a machine, at home or in a specially equipped gym. By increasing your core strength and bettering your posture, you let your body relax so that it isn’t fighting itself, using needless energy and causing damage to muscles and organs. The movement patterns develop muscular strength and endurance as they improve your balance. Rather than aerobic, this medium-intensity workout concentrates on building your abdominal and lower back muscles, as well as your upper legs and glutes.
Another factor in Pilates is its focus on a mind/body connection: standing with feet firmly on the ground, with a straight, neutral back, you will experience less fatigue and gain energy. At The Orthopedic Institute of New Jersey, we think that’s a goal for all of us to aspire to! (Check with your doctor before starting this or any other workout.)
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