May 18, 2023
The AAOS 2023 Annual Meeting, held March 7 – 11 at the Venetian Convention & Expo Center in Las Vegas, was a major industry event for all Orthopedic surgeons in the country. It was attended by more than 20,000 people from within the industry and related fields to share their experiences, spread new information, and establish future collaboration opportunities.
OINJ’s, Ashley Bassett, attended the meeting and had an amazing opportunity to talk to many professionals in the field. As a result, we’ve got an amazing five-part mini-series on our podcast.
The first episode, featuring Dr. Brian Waterman, Chief of sports medicine at Wake ForeFAIst University, discusses the quad strength and knee extensor strength following ACL reconstruction with quad tendon autograft.
In the second episode, Dr. Ashley Bassett and Dr. Waterman discussed the cost of the meniscus surgery. The treatment of meniscus tear, examination of the relationship between the patient’s characteristics, and timing of the surgery are all tightly intertwined with a chance of full recovery. While postponing surgery sounds intuitive, the costs of late surgery are usually substantially higher.
The third episode of the mini-series addresses hip arthroscopy for in older adults. Here, Dr. Waterman shares some of his experience and research-based conclusions on this topic.
In the fourth episode, Dr. Bassett and Dr. Waterman discuss the difference between the results of ACLR alone versus ACLR with LET. Since some believe that LET and ACLR are the future of sports medicine, this topic is impossible to downplay or avoid.
In the fifth and final episode, the focus shifts to the long-term effects of professional sports and potentially beneficial prevention methods. Find out what Dr. Bassett and Dr. Waterman say about whether NFL offensive linemen should use prophylactic knee braces.
Tune in for these interesting conversations and learn more from some of the top experts in the field of sports medicine.
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